React Native on Heroku

July 26, 2015
development devops react-native react heroku paas

As a web developer doing iOS development with react native, I need a staging environment for the product manager to review changes to the app.

On the web, that means using Heroku, but with a react native app it is a bit more complicated.

My react native app has two components, the packager (for serving the client code) and the server (for interacting with the app).

Heroku only lets one process bind to an external port, so it wasn’t easy to do without creating two heroku apps.

My solution was to proxy the bundle from the server, the problem with this, is that if the packager is running in a worker, it can’t be reached over localhost.

The packager is launched via a shell script, and by opening it, I can see what javascript file is being run. All I had to do was require the packager in my server (yes I know I could just use a node child process, but this is cooler).

My server uses websockets, so this is how I added the proxy…

You will see that I also added react-native-env and made an environment.plist ala this blog post with a hostname so that my application will know which server to use.

To change environments I just swap out the environment.plist with one that has a different hostname.

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