jscodemigrate (deps|dependencies)

December 11, 2015
development jscodeshift codemods recast migration

If you haven’t yet read about jscodemigrate, read about it here. If you already know about jscodemigrate then stick around because there is a new feature, and it is ready for you to use, just npm install jscodemigrate@latest --save-dev.

You already know that you can run all of your jscodeshift scripts at once and easily maintain your project with a directory full of timestamped codemods, but now, you can make it easy for those who depend on your npm packages to respond quickly to your API changes.

All you have to do is make a code migration with the option moduleApiChange: true. Then just instruct all your faithful to run jscodemigrate deps to copy your code migration into their codemods folder so they can have it run with their code migrations.


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